Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Dandelions: More Than Just Irritating Little Weeds.............
Dandelions! Those cursed yellow flowers that pop up all over and ruin our perfectly lush, green lawns. What do we do? We spread weed killer on our grass to keep those pesky dandelions under control.
Dandelions are not here to irritate the life out of us. They actually have a true healing purpose. Dandelions (specifically, their amazing roots) are really natural medicine and loaded with health benefits.
Here's a bit about the dandelion's magical healing powers:
1) Dandelion root extract is unique and is one of the only things found to help with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia and It is effective in treating breast tumors.
2) Dandelions can help detoxify vital organs: Because of the diuretic abilities of dandelion root, it is beneficial for flushing out the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. İt works great to purify the blood and cleanse the system. This also makes it a good herb for fighting infections. It is also used for arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatism.
3) Dandelion tea actively ameliorates disease—it is a potent disease-fighter—and helps the body heal, helps boost immunity. It also helps combat heart disease, and age-related memory loss.
4) Dandelions can help treat anemia: Because of the high content of iron in dandelion root, it is beneficial for building red blood cells in the body to treat anemia.
5) Dandelions can assist with diabetes: Dandelion root has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in patients. In Europe, it's used to treat Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.
6) Dandelions are good for the digestive system: Dandelion root, when made into a tea, is beneficial for relieving constipation, flatulence and fullness.
7) Dandelions are effective in treating high blood pressure: Dandelion root is a natural diuretic. When combined with its high potassium content, it is an effective treatment to lower blood pressure.
8) Dandelion tea helps reduce high cholesterol.
9) Dandelions have a high nutritional value: Dandelion root contains vitamins A, B-complex, C and D as well as the minerals İron, Zinc and Potassium. This combination of vitamins and minerals also makes dandelion root a high antioxidant food.
10) Dandelions are mood enhancers: Due to the high amount of vitamin B-complex, dandelion root can help to stabilize mood and treat depression.
11) Dandelions are very beneficial to menopausal women.
12) Dandelion root is also used to treat skin disorders such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
13) Dandelion root is also a mild laxative and is used to help with regularity.
14) Dandelion tea helps with weight control—especially with weight loss.
There are very few side effects linked to using dandelion root. Allergic reactions to the herb have been reported. People taking prescription Lithium, a diuretic medication to lower blood pressure or medication to lower blood sugar should not take dandelion root. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor before taking this herb.
OH! And just a word to the wise. Don't use the dandelions from your yard. Those are most likely toxic after of years and years of poisonous,chemical treatments. Buy organically grown dandelions and dandelion root from your local farmer or health food store. You can also buy it in capsule form. Most health food stores carry a selection of herbal dandelion teas.
Information about dandelions from Organic Gardening.
Disclaimer: Be sure to consult your physician before taking dandelion root or any other herbal remedy.