Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Battle of the Bulge

As a Health, Wellness and Weight Loss Consultant, one thing I NEVER do is lecture my clients about their weight. The most profound lesson I learned about weight gain when I was in school is that sometimes; no matter how hard we try, our bodies pack on the pounds and will not let go.  There are reasons for this.  They can be physical, emotional or even spiritual reasons.  There are times our bodies actually NEED the excess weight. Our bodies are programmed to always be in survival mode and sometimes the only way to survive is to cling to those extra pounds.  Weight (or FAT- if you prefer)  is a cushion and serves as a layer of protection,. It also provides warmth in cold environments. Extra weight is also the PERFECT camouflage.  We can keep an awful lot hidden beneath layers of fat. 

 It's not necessarily about dealing with the weight; it's about discovering why we are carrying the excess weight.   It's about examining the reasons why we are making poor food choices or over-indulging. It's about identifying our cravings, why we are craving one particular food over another, and how we use food as a quick fix to temporarily satisfy what we are REALLY craving.  

We can diet and exercise.  We can swear off carbs for the rest of our lives. Seriously? Do we really want to live a life of constant deprivation, starvation and denial? Do we want spend precious hours at the gym or travel through life without ever enjoying a piece of pie, a big bowl of pasta or a slice of pizza?  All for the sake of staying thin?  I don't think so and I don't want to do that. In my opinion, that isn't living!  

We will never win the battle of the bulge until we deal with the reasons why we are bulging in the first place..............

Want to learn more? Contact me and let's chat.  Initial consultations are always complimentary..........