Saturday, October 11, 2014

Check out the Rear View! (A little info about your butt and how to get a better one)

Ladies, do you want a better butt? 

Some folks might be a bit too BUTT OBSESSED, but of course you want a better one! And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!

You want look great in your jeans. That clingy dress. Maybe you're tired of having to buy the bigger bikini bottom because your butt cheeks keep falling out of the smaller size. You don't want to keep squeezing into SPANX  to fake a better butt.  Ever wear those? I have. Made my butt appear all trim and toned, but the minute I took them off?  Inflatable raft is the only way to describe it.

A few years ago, I wore a very clingy dress to an event with my boyfriend and wanted to look perfect. I did, but later on, I had to run to the bathroom and quickly remove the SPANX  because I didn't want my boyfriend to know I needed them and I certainly didn't want him to take them off! That inflatable raft effect? Not attractive at all!  Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking SPANX. Use 'em if you need 'em. They're great as a temporary fix while you're losing weight and getting back into shape.

You will definitely feel so much better (and sexier) if your butt is firm and tight instead of soft, squishy or saggy. No crazy contraptions or special undergarments needed! 

Your rear view says a lot about you and your level of activity. You can immediately tell just how active a person is, simply by looking at their butt. Be honest. You look. You check out the butts on guys. It's an attraction thing.  Nice guy with a nice butt? That's the one you're gonna go for!  You also check out the girls. To see if theirs is better or worse than yours. And you can't help but experience a bit of butt envy, now and then.

It's okay. You can admit it. We're all adults here, but being an adult is a big part of the reason why your rear view might be less than appealing...... 

When you were younger, you never gave your butt a second thought. You were more active, so it stayed nice and firm. You ran.You jumped. You played.  And you didn't give a hoot about what your butt looked like. Here's the funny thing about your butt, though. When you really started paying more attention to it and realized other people where definitely checking yours out, is around the same time you stopped being so active. And not long after that, you started doing more adult things like working and sitting behind a desk all day. Driving everywhere. Even up to the corner store that happens to be within walking distance from your house.  You park in the space closest to the entrance of every place you go because you don't feel like walking halfway across the parking lot! You'll even sit in your car and wait until the right spot is available! You rarely get out there and play sports anymore. You watch them on TV or sit on the sidelines and watch your kids play. You spend more time in front of the computer. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. As an adult, you do an awful lot of sitting, don't you? 

Unless you consistently work out at the gym or have a regular exercise routine that includes targeting your butt,  it's going to bear the brunt of all that! And don't forget about aging. Everything, unfortunately, begins to droop as you age. Blame it on GRAVITY, but the truth is, you have to WORK your butt! And KEEP working it!

Your butt is a big muscle. Actually, it's made up of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is the main buttock muscle and is the largest muscle of the body. When you stop working those muscles regularly, what happens? They get soft and eventually begin to sag.


I remember the day I stepped out of the shower and caught a glimpse of my rear view in the mirror. One butt cheek was a little lower than the other! Yep! It was sagging and I panicked. I immediately began searching for ways to step up my regular exercise routine and whip that sagging butt cheek back into shape. And that's how I found Andrea Albright and got on her mailing list for the best butt exercises ever!

I love this particular butt exercise routine. No gym or expensive equipment needed.  It only takes 3 minutes. You can certainly spare 3 minutes to get a better butt, can't you? 

In this work out, you have to keep squeezing those butt muscles. It isn't easy, but SO worth it!  Do this quick routine every day or at least, every other day, and watch what happens!

I encourage you to check out all of Andrea's videos for your best butt EVER! I don't receive recognition or commission for mentioning or recommending her. I'm just spreading the good news because I think she totally ROCKS, her exercises are simple enough for anyone and they work

Yours in Good Health,