The Gal Behind Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is a unique consulting practice with a very different philosophy about health, wellness, disease prevention and weight loss....  

If you're looking for a quick fix cookie-cutter plan or a Drill Sergeant barking commands, Metamorphosis is most likely not for you.  This is not about me telling you what to do! This is not a miracle. This is not a diet. This is not the cure for sickness and disease. This is a lifestyle change to help you live your healthiest, happiest, most exciting life ever!

I am your partner on your journey toward better health, wellness and permanent weight loss. 
Most things, believe it or not, you're gonna figure out for yourself. 
By trial and error , by listening to your body, mind and spirit 
and by learning how to give yourself what you REALLY want and need.  
I am just here to teach you HOW to do that! 

So, before entering into this relationship, here are few things about me......

I don't look perfect. I don't act perfect. I am NOT perfect. 

I have flaws, faults, fears and failures. Every day I work at changing what I can change and accepting what I cannot change. More often than not, I am figuring out ways to work around those things I can't change. I certainly won't be demanding perfection from you.

I am not a food Nazi.

I believe how and what we eat is the FOUNDATION of true health and happiness, but I won't be slapping food from your hand or making you feel guilty for eating a piece of cake. I will be teaching you how to have your cake and eat it, too

I exist on a 99.9%  plant-based, Vegan diet.

I was totally VEGAN for several years, but I really love and missed cheese, so I give myself permission to have it as an occasional treat. I am just not ready to completely end my love affair with cheese and I refuse to feel guilty about it! If I am this way with myself, I'm certainly not going to force you give up something you really, really love. I will, however, show you how to eat the foods you love, without compromising your health, wellness or weight loss efforts.  

I totally skipped college after high school to live and work 
at a spiritual commune in the mountains.  

Don't panic! I did eventually go to college! And I am constantly training, studying and taking courses to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in health, wellness and weight loss!

I used to be a sick, depressed mess.

Fibromyalgia. Epstein-Barr. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. High Blood Pressure. Obesity.  PMS. Ovarian Cysts. Fibroid Tumors.  Depression. Panic Attacks. Allergies, including such a severe allergy to cat dander that just walking into a cat owner's home would immediately cause me to start scratching, sneezing, coughing and experiencing difficulty breathing.  (I have a cat now and I bury my face in his fur and it DOESN'T bother me at all!) I was always sick and tired UNTIL I got sick and tired of being sick and tired! That's when I took charge of my own health and wellness. I changed my diet and my lifestyle. In less than six months, I felt 100% better.

I believe what worked for me will work for everyone! 

As long as I continue to eat well, manage my stress, and stay connected to other positive, health-minded people, I do not suffer from any of the symptoms that once had me so depressed and debilitated, I had completely lost my joy and zest for living.

I don't believe in the words, " I can't!" OR "It's too late!" 

I believe anything is possible with faith, determination and hard work. And it's never too late and you're never too old.

I enjoy a good cocktail!

My favorite drink is a Grey Goose Dirty Martini. I do believe an occasional cocktail is okay, even if you're living a healthy life style. So RELAX! You can have a drink if you want one.

I don't like exercise!

I don't live at the gym. I have a gym at my disposal where I live and I barely use it. I'm not going to insist you sweat your butt off at the gym unless that's what you really, really want to do!  I come up with ways to squeeze fun things into my day that count as exercise. I can help you do the same.

I have food weaknesses and cravings.

I'm not much of a sweet eater, but put a bag of potato chips in front of me and all bets are off! I've come up with ways to make my food work for me rather than against me and still satisfy my crunchy, salty cravings. Whatever your weakness or craving is; I can teach you how to do the same.

I'm not naturally thin. 

Nope. I have the Fat Gene. Obesity runs in both sides of my family. My body wants to be fat. I've just learned how to eat and created a lifestyle that helps me stay fit and trim. I would love to share how I do that with you.

I wear a lot of black.

No, I am not depressed, a witch or a Goth Chick. I just really, really love the color black!

Wanna work with me? Let's find out if we're a good fit. 
Schedule your complimentary, initial consultation today!

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