Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Skinny Down Fat Tuesday!
Today is Fat Tuesday, the climactic ending to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Mardi Gras is the extravagant carnival prior to Lent: a time of fasting, penance and prayer right before Easter. I'm not Catholic, but when I was young, my friends always gave up something for Lent: candy, cake, cookies, chewing gum, soda. The really good Catholic girls and boys gave up TV- for forty whole days! It was out of love for Christ they made such sacrifices. I thought this was very noble so one year I decided to follow suit and gave up candy. My somber season of sacrifice lasted two days.
I would never make a good Catholic but I can certainly celebrate Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday like no body's business! I love a good party and simply adore New Orleans' cuisine but it can be very fattening and unhealthy. All that cream, eggs and butter and cheese. So every year I celebrate Skinny Down Fat Tuesday. It's still a party- just healthier. And without meat and animal products, of course. :)
Here are a few of my favorite recipes:
Smothered Cajun Spiced Squash
Quick Vegetarian Gumbo
Red Beans and Rice Soup
Southern Mixed Greens
Tabasco Cheddar Biscuits
(for this recipe, replace the cheddar cheese and butter with your favorite Vegan alternatives, if desired)
Louisiana Greens and Sausage
So get your family and friends together for an amazing Skinny Down Fat Tuesday!
One more thing: if you choose to embibe, please don't drive.
Always drink responsibly.
Fat Tuesday,
Mardi Gras,