Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Go With Small and Simple For Life Changing Results!
Major, drastic changes rarely work. Not for long anyway. Make one small change at a time. Over time, they will add up to your big Transformation!
Here are a few small and simple changes you can make today. Just pick one.
Choose a healthy lunch.
Ask for whole wheat instead white bread at the deli when you order your sandwich. Choose mustard instead of mayo. Add some grilled veggies or lettuce and tomato to your sandwich. Pay a little extra and go for the health salad (made with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers) instead of the complimentary potato or macaroni salad that comes with your sandwich. Some places even have a healthier coleslaw made without all that mayo. Grilled chicken over a tossed salad is also a great choice for lunch. Better yet, skip the chicken and toss in some delicious vitamin packed, fiber rich beans like chick peas or kidney beans.
Take a walk.
A nice, brisk walk after lunch or during break time will get you out of your stuffy office. It will clear your head and get your heart pumping. You'll feel an instant burst of amazing energy. If you can't find the time during your work day, take a walk when you get home. Before or after dinner is perfect. If you can't handle the heat, go after sunset. Bring someone you love along with you and take some time to gaze at the stars.
Try a healthy snack when you feel that mid-afternoon slump.
When you start feeling that mid-afternoon brain-drain, don't reach for a candy bar, cookies or a cup of coffee to perk you up! Choose protein rich snacks like cheese, nuts or a POWER shake. Purium has a fantastic one and it's super easy to make. Just mix 2 scoops with water (coconut water is perfect), shake and enjoy! Purium's Power Shake
Treat yourself to something nice!
When was the last time you treated yourself to something special? A manicure, a pedicure, a professional blow-out at a salon? What about a facial, a massage or a Reflexology treatment? Treating yourself now and then is important your health and wellness. I know some of these things cost money. A regular manicure is about $10 and your nails will look great for a week, which will make you feel better. If you bring lunch to work for a day or two instead of buying, you can afford the manicure.
Really low on funds? There are things you can do that cost nothing at all. How about an evening dip in the pool or even a soak in a cool bath? Instead of turning on TV immediately after dinner, sit back for about 20 minutes, listen to soothing music and sip seltzer with fresh fruit like sliced oranges or lemon and lime. Or you can have a glass of wine. White wine is cooling and refreshing. Red wine makes you warmer, so keep that in mind if you're looking to cool off. Slip into bed early with a good book. Just do anything that makes you feel special and relaxed.
These are Simple Changes that are healing to your mind, body and spirit. Tomorrow, do what you selected today and add one more simple change. The next day, add one more and so on. Then come up with your own simple changes!!
Yours in Good Health,