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As a health and wellness professional who believes 100% in the healing power of food; I think this is hysterical! And obviously absolutely ridiculous, but I have a good sense of humor when it comes to this sort of stuff. It's meant as a joke for those who believe just about anything. And it's a subtle poke at some of us out here promoting healthy eating and living.
We all know an onion will not protect our computers from viruses. Eating an onion also will not protect us from catching viruses, but including onions in an already healthy diet can definitely help. If you don't know about onions, you should read this: Onions. What Are They Good For?
Onions are amazing, but an onion is not a miracle cure for anything......
There are so many companies and individuals out there claiming to have the miracle cure or solution for something and especially when it comes to weight loss. There's an awful lot of money to be made from people searching for miracles. Folks want instant, incredible results in exchange for very little effort and they're willing to pay big bucks! What amazes me is - the more outrageous or unbelievable it sounds, the more money people are willing to pay!
"I can drop tons of weight without having
to really make any changes to my diet or lifestyle?
Hold on and let me get my credit card!!"
I've spent a lot of money in the past; hoping to lose weight without really having to work at it, so I understand. I totally get it. Some things do sound so incredible and too good to be true, that we just have to try them!
Here's a recent example of something that sounded to good to be true! For the record, this might not be the exact claim, but I know this is what most people heard:
Take Garcinia Cambogia a few times a day just like all those celebrities
and the pounds will drop off without changing your diet or exercising.
How could you not fall for it? So many people did and companies made millions and still are! Who wouldn't be tempted by that introductory price of $6.99 + shipping for your first trial bottle of Miracle Weight Loss Pills?
How much weight did you lose? A few pounds? And if you did manage to lose weight, have you been able to keep it off or are you still taking the Garcina Cambogia to make sure you don't gain the weight back? If so, it's probably costing you around $60 or more a month now! I know this because quite a few of my brand-new clients tried it and now they are afraid to stop taking it!
I am not discounting Garcina Cambogia. Studies have shown that it can be effective if you're looking to burn excess fat, but is it a miracle? NO, but they did sort of package and sell it to us as if was a miracle, didn't they?
There is NO SUCH THING as a Weight Loss Miracle!
There is no miracle food, spice, herb, supplement, powder or drink! Don't fall for it. If it sounds too good to be true, well...... you know the rest!
I do believe in miracles. I've witnessed them! I believe in the miracle of love and life.
I believe in the miracle of transformation through dedication and determination.
I believe in the miracle of healing and PERMANENT Weight Loss
by adopting a healthy style of eating and living.
You can continue to spend time, energy and hundreds of dollars on products and plans that promise miracles, but never quite deliver. If you don't mind the disappointment, frustration and aggravation, I won't stop you.
I am looking for men and women who do mind and are sick and tired of all that. I am interesting in working with those who are definitely ready for a Lifestyle Change!
So if that's you, let's chat.......
Go ahead and schedule your complimentary initial consultation with me right here.

Yours in Good Health,