Friday, May 11, 2012
Fat 101
Too crude? Perhaps. Okay. I'll be polite about it.
Fat-Free and Low-Fat foods are loaded with artificial ingredients (chemicals) to mimic the consistency of real fat. They also have more salt or sugar (regular white processed sugar or artificial sweeteners) to make up for the lack of taste that comes from the fat! Fat-Free and Low-Fat foods are the worst products you can eat and they can actually make you gain weight. YUP!! I'll tell you how later; but first, a little Fat 101.
You need fat. Your body must have it in order to function properly. Fat provides energy, cushions your organs and allows the body to absorb necessary nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats also give foods flavor and consistency. A diet deficient in fat would be unhealthy and would lack flavor.
Fat isn't really the problem. The problem is the TYPES of fat you consume.
Bad Fat:
There are three types of fats -- saturated, unsaturated and trans fat. Saturated and trans fats are considered "bad fats" because they can increase your risk for coronary heart disease. Saturated fat is in meat, butter and cream, including fast and junk food, like hamburgers and ice cream. Trans fat is in processed fried foods and snacks, such as doughnuts, potato chips and cheese sticks. YUCK!!
Good Fat:
Experts consider unsaturated fat a "good fat." You can lower your blood cholesterol and decrease your risk of heart disease by adjusting your diet to limit saturated and trans fat and increase unsaturated fat. Olive and coconut oils represent good fats. Other examples of unsaturated fat include nuts and avocados. If you choose to eat fish; tuna and salmon are also good sources.
So how do Fat-Free and Low-Fat products make you fat?
Aside from the whole artificially infused crap factor, Fat-Free and Low-Fat products are never truly satisfying. No matter how good they taste, you can never get enough. Why? The real fat is missing. And, as I said before, those types of foods are also loaded with sugar, salt and artificial ingredients and flavors to compensate for their lack of taste and consistency. When you crave fat, you want the whole she-bang. The full effect. You're craving something that only comes from fat.
Let me set the stage for you:
It's late at night and you're craving something rich and sinful. You grab a spoon and dig into your half-gallon of Fat-Free Artificially Flavored Chocolate Ice Cream. You keep digging. And digging. Before you know it, you've eaten half the container, but you're still not satisfied. Then you move on to an entire package of Fat-Free cookies. You might feel sick, but that initial fat craving is still there. Then you spot a can of whipped cream on the shelf of your fridge!
Ding! Ding! Ding! JACKPOT!! You tilt your head back and shoot a few squirts from the can right into your mouth! PURE FAT, but satisfying. Who hasn't done that? At least once? Come on. Be honest.....
Here's a tip for you: Eat the real ice cream! The full fat kind. You will never be able to eat as much of it and you will be satisfied and happy with less and in less time. Why? Because of the fat!
Trust me on this!
A half a cup (or even a whole cup) of ice cream will NOT make you fat! Don't believe the lie. Here's another thing: If the rest of your diet is sensible and healthy: lean protein, whole grains, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables AND if you exercise, then guess what? You can allow yourself some ice cream now and then. REAL ICE CREAM!
Give yourself permission and go for the real fat. Forget about the fake stuff.
I am not necessarily condoning ice cream. No matter how you look at it, ice cream contains animal fat and too much animal fat is bad for your health. But.... which is worse? The fat in real ice cream or a fat-free/ low-fat chemical shit storm? Neither product is ideal, but be realistic. No one has a perfect diet all the time. Not even me, so go for the ice cream with real fat.
Personally, I don't eat ice cream and that's because I don't do dairy. I don't keep anything like that in my house, but I do have fat cravings now and then. This is why I always keep avocados on hand. They provide that rich, "fatty" consistency I crave AND they do my body good. Try the avocado approach when a fat craving strikes you; especially if you don't want to eat ice cream or you're concerned with heart disease. Your body will reap all the benefits of an avocado because it's loaded with good stuff. Ice cream? Not so much.
Here's a delicious recipe that will satisfy your fat and sweet cravings! It uses healthy avocados instead of fat from cream, cocoa powder and agave nectar instead of sugar. You can also use coconut nectar in this recipe, if you wish. Agave nectar is somewhat controversial and coconut nectar is the latest craze in natural sweeteners. It is low on the glycemic index which makes it ideal for those with blood sugar conditions such as diabetes. Coconut Nectar also contains 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, and some B vitamins.
To "Die For" Chocolate Mousse
1 medium ripe avocado
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup unsweetened, plain almond milk
1/4 cup raw agave nectar or coconut nectar
(Start with about 1/8 of a cup and add more, a little at a time, if you need a bit more sweetness)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Puree until smooth and chill.
Yours in Good Health,