Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Only Life Style Change Can Help Prevent Cancer

I share an awful lot about health, wellness, diet and cancer prevention.  Cancer prevention is a cause that is especially dear to my heart because my whole family is currently riddled with it. Everything I do is an attempt to prevent this awful disease from personally touching my life and destroying the lives of the people I care about most in the world; including all of you.  The feedback I receive is so encouraging and I sincerely hope that some of you really do apply my suggestions and tips to your own lives.

That being said; I want to tell you this: there are no tricks. There are no miracles.  An avocado a day or pouring Turmeric (an Indian spice) all over your food WILL NOT PREVENT CANCER!  However, these things in COMBINATION with a healthy diet and lifestyle can help.  If you smoke like a chimney, drink alcohol in excess, exist on a diet of mostly Fast Food and processed, packaged products, survive on very little sleep and no exercise; my suggestions most likely will NOT work for you! I am so sorry.............

I am not a food Nazi or a granola-munching, yoga health-nut.  Sometimes I splurge.  Occasionally, I enjoy a good Vodka Martini. I have a weakness for potato chips. Potato chips don't love me, so I try to avoid them.  Food is not love. Love is love. I  would rather choose love over potato chips, an ice cream sundae or a chocolate bar. Sometimes I have to ask for love. That's okay.  It's so worth it.  I am also a VEGAN, but that does not mean I am necessarily anti-meat.  A VEGAN diet works for me. It might not work for you.  Everyone on Google+  seems to love bacon. Some folks like to torture me with images and photos of plates overflowing with bacon. It's all in good fun and I love the jokes.  I don't eat the stuff.  It's a personal choice.  If you love bacon, go ahead and have it once in awhile.  MODERATION is the key.

I am against the TYPICAL AMERICAN DIET and LIFESTYLE.  I believe it is killing us. Some quicker than others.  It is my mission to make others aware of their eating habits and to adopt a more natural, healthier way of eating.  Can that include meat? Bacon? Sure. What about alcohol? Why not? As long as it is not a problem for you.  Once again:  MODERATION.  I also believe that LIFESTYLE goes hand in hand with our quality of health and preventing sickness and disease.  I stress the importance of rest, relaxation and making time for play. Laughter. Love. Sex. I also believe EVERYTHING we allow to enter our minds and our spirits directly affects our health and how we fight disease. The company we keep,  the places we go, what we watch on TV, the books we read,  the music we listen to...........these outside influences change us from the inside out. In good ways and bad.  The foundation of my private practice is nurturing the WHOLE person: body, mind and spirit.

There are no miracle cures. Pills, potions, and a whole pantry filled with healing spices will not work unless there is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.   I am all about change. From the inside out.  This doesn't mean a list of rules and regulations. It's not about kissing ice cream, chocolate or a perfectly grilled steak good bye forever.  Where's the fun in that? This is about living the best, most fulfilling lives possible. Happy, healthy and overflowing with laughter and love.

Here's to your good health and wellness.