Friday, June 20, 2014


I talk about success an awful lot. It is my desire that everyone be successful, but it means different things to different people.

It could mean a nice big bank account.

Earning the position of supervisor or manager at your job.

Recognition as top producer at work.

Owning your own company.

Finally finding the right partner.

Taking that dream vacation.

Graduating from college and earning a degree.

The satisfaction of knowing your children are safe and settled.

Achieving your weight loss or fitness goals.

Buying your own home.

Running a marathon.

Wining the battle against cancer.

All these things are wonderful goals and aspirations and we should all strive to achieve whatever it is that makes us feel successful.

But never forget, it is all meaningless if we can't get into bed at night, put our heads on our pillows and be at peace.

My dad always told me, "Don't step on anyone as you climb the ladder of success. You're gonna need someone there to catch you when you fall!"

The ability to say, "It is well with my soul" is the true measure of success.

Yours in Good Health,
