Saturday, June 21, 2014

Suggestions for Healthy Living.

I dislike rules. I am a rebel at heart and always think rules are meant to be broken.  Rules are usually meant to control us. They very often keep us bound or stuck in one place. Why? Because we are afraid of the consequences of breaking those rules. So we follow them, even when we don't like them.

If you want to live a happy, healthy life, you're gonna have to break a few rules. There's simply no other way!

However, some rules are good. Take the rule of giving, for example.

Give and it shall be given unto you.

If you are selfish and hoard everything you own and never give, you will probably end up with nothing. Follow that rule and always give. Even when you don't have enough, still give. Something miraculous happens when we choose not to break that rule. We always get something back. Always.

The most important one of all is The Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Never. ever break that rule. If you do, once again, you will probably wind up with nothing......

Everything else in life, I like to think of as suggestions.

Take these Rules for Living a Healthy Life. Think of them as suggestions.  If you view them as rules, you're immediately going to think I am telling you that you can't do something, like enjoy a cocktail or eat a steak. And then you're gonna go out and do just the opposite and most likely in excess.

May I suggest you take these SUGGESTIONS for Living a Healthy Life and try your best to apply them. You'll be on your way to a happier, healthier life in no time.

Yours in Good Health,