Monday, July 7, 2014
Say Bye- Bye to Bat Wings!
We affectionately refer to the flesh that hangs off our arms as "bat wings". And yes, if we continue to ignore them; they will eventually start flapping in the breeze. Just like Madge in the comic here.
It happens to all of us, especially women. It's as if we wake up one morning and they're just there! And we grab that hanging flesh and exclaim:
"OMG! When did this happen?!"
When and how did it happen? didn't happen overnight. It takes time. The lean tissue in our arms begins to droop as we age. That's just a normal part of aging, however, if we don't pay attention to our arms or we totally neglect them, it keeps getting worse. Our tissue needs something to wrap itself around and cling to - MUSCLE. Without muscle, that tissue has no choice but to droop and hang and eventually turn into unsightly "bat wings"!
We really don't want those, do we? The only way to avoid them is to stop neglecting our arms.
Unless we want to sweat to death in long sleeves or sweaters all summer long, there's absolutely no way to hide neglected arms. We can always cover up our less than spectacular abs, thighs, and even our butts with clothing, but slip on a tank top or a short-sleeved blouse and those "bat wings" are gonna flap for the world to see.
Personally, I don't think there's anything more attractive than a pair of well-toned arms and regardless of our age, we can have them. It doesn't matter how long we've been neglecting them; with dedication and the right type of exercises that target the muscles in our arms, we can whip them into better shape in a very short amount of time.
Here are The Best Moves to Tone Arms from Prevention Magazine. I love these exercises for several reasons.
1. They work.
2. The entire routine takes about 10 minutes
3. We can do these exercises at home.
4. We can adjust each exercise according to our current fitness level or for faster results.
3- to 5-pound and 8- to 10-pound dumbbells and a mat or carpeted space
Perform the routine 2 or 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days. Begin with a 5-minute dynamic warm-up: March in place while scissoring arms overhead (like jumping jacks). For each exercise, do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps (or 10 on each side, if appropriate). Rest 30 seconds in between sets. Begin with the Main Move. If it's too difficult, do the Make It Easier option. Not challenging enough? Try the Make It Harder variation.
MAIN MOVE: Sit-Up Pullover
Lie face up on floor, knees bent, feet flat, and arms extended overhead with a light dumbbell in each hand. Contract abs and slowly curl up, lifting head, shoulders, and back off floor. Simultaneously bring arms forward in an arc toward knees. Hold for a second, then slowly reverse to start.
Add a chest press. With upper body lifted and arms in front of you, bend elbows and lower dumbbells toward chest, then straighten arms before returning to start.
Keep head on floor as you raise dumbbells in an arc and bring them down to floor so arms rest at sides. Reverse to start.
MAIN MOVE: Overhead Triceps Extension
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold light dumbbell in right hand, arm extended straight overhead, left hand supporting right elbow (A) to prevent it from flaring out. Bend elbow, lowering dumbbell behind head (B), then press back up to start position. Do all reps, then repeat on opposite side.
Use the heavier dumbbell.
Hold the ends of a single dumbbell with each hand so it's horizontal to work both arms at the same time.
MAIN MOVE: Single Arm Lateral Raise
Get into push-up position on knees, hands directly beneath shoulders with light dumbbell in left hand. Engaging abs to stabilize torso, raise left arm straight out to side, parallel to floor. Hold for a second, then slowly lower to start and repeat. Do all reps, then switch arms.
Bring your knees off mat so you're balancing on toes and hands as you do the reps.
Ditch the dumbbell.
MAIN MOVE: Hammer-Bicep Curl
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at sides, a heavy dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in. Bend left arm to 90 degrees, dumbbell vertical. Hold that position as you bend right arm and curl dumbbell to shoulder, keeping elbow in to side. Complete all reps, then lower both arms and repeat, holding right arm at 90 degrees.
Hold dumbbell in the stationary hand with palm facing up so it's horizontal rather than vertical.
Alternate curling each arm up to shoulder without holding either arm stationary.
Start these exercises today and you will see results in about a month. No, you won't look like Linda Hamilton in Terminator II. Her gorgeous muscles were the result of hours and hours spent in the gym with personal trainers. Who has time for that? I do promise, however, if you do these exercises and stick to them, your arms will look better. Firm and definitely more defined. Gorgeous in tank tops. No more flapping "bat wings"!
Yours Good Health,
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