Thursday, April 26, 2012
I Want a Fit, Toned, Healthy Body!
Who doesn't want a fit, toned, healthy body? If that's what you want, you can have it, but all the thinking and wishing in the world won't get you any closer to it. You have to start taking steps in the right direction. They don't have to be giant steps. Those can be overwhelming and exhausting. We're all guilty of trying drastic measures in an effort to get things done quickly.
What do I mean by Giant Steps?
You haven't exercised in months (or years). One day you wake up and you are a maniac, working out several hours a day, and pushing and torturing your body in an effort to get fit fast.
You shock your body by drastically reducing the amount of food you eat and you wonder why you're tired, frustrated and not losing weight. You starve and deprive yourself. You try all of the latest and greatest fad diets.
What usually happens when you take those kinds of giant steps? Eventually, you end up aggravated, frustrated and tired. You make everyone around you miserable. So, you give up. You slip right back to your regular, old habits and gain every ounce of weight you did lose back and then some............
Why torture yourself this way? Why not just take smaller steps?
Small steps in the right direction will still get you where you need to go.
Small Steps in the Right Direction:
Exercise. Definitely exercise! You don't need to wear yourself out or live in the gym. Just do something every day, for about 20 - 30 minutes. You can spread it out over your day if you don't have that much concentrated time to spare. Perhaps if you turned off the TV or stepped away from the computer, you would have the time. Just sayin'. :)
Yoga, weight training, Pilates, bike riding, dancing, swimming, house work, a walk around the block, in the park or on the beach, and yes, even sex, count as exercise. So pick one. Better yet, pick more than one and commit to doing something every day!
Forget crash dieting. Just make better food choices. Avoid fast food, if possible. Eat more fruit, more vegetables, lean protein, whole grains. Fire up the BBQ and start grilling instead of frying. Skip the crappy carbs (bagels, rolls, white bread, white flour pasta, white rice, mashed potatoes). Limit sugar and sweet treats like cake, cookies and pies. Try a square or two of dark chocolate when the chocolate cravings kick in. And watch the alcohol! Those calories count and alcohol slows down your metabolism and increases your cravings for crappy carbs.
No, you will not miraculously drop fifty pounds overnight, but you will lose excess fat and inches. And you will have firmer, more defined legs, arms, and abs! And your butt will look better in your jeans, too! No, you will not look the model in the photo. At least not right away. She didn't get that body overnight and neither will you. But every move you make will bring one step closer.........
You will look and feel so much better. You will want to keep going. And you will be healthier; body, mind and spirit. And healthy is sexy. Always.......
Yours in Good Health,
crash diets,
self love,
Weight Loss