Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Best Kept Weight Loss Secret!

I want share the best weight loss secret ever! Are you ready?

Love.  Love yourself exactly you are, regardless of your dress size or how much weight you think you need to lose.


If you don't love yourself now, you will not miraculously fall in love with yourself when you are thin.

Never gonna happen.............

Chances are; you will gain back every single pound and more because you feel as empty as you did when you were heavier.

Self-love and self-esteem come from accepting yourself, recognizing your strengths and limitations, and celebrating who you are. NOW!

Each time you punish yourself, neglect yourself, or fall into the trap of negative self-talk because you are overweight, the more discouraged you will become.

Stop thinking and talking about how you need or want to lose weight. Forgive yourself for putting on those excess pounds. If you must, forgive the people in your life who caused the stress and pain that contributed to your weight gain.

Take a real good look:

Take a good look at yourself and consider all your assets and attributes. Yes, you might be a little heavier than you would like to be, but maybe you've got amazing legs! Celebrate those and show them off!

It's been three years, you still haven't lost the 25 pounds you gained during pregnancy, but you are a loving, caring mother to a beautiful child. That's quite an accomplishment.  Your baby doesn't care if you are overweight. She loves you just the same.

You might shop for clothes in the "plus size" section right now, but you are the president of your own company.  How many women can say that?

Stop the abusive, negative chatter in your head by complimenting yourself regularly. If you cannot think of anything positive, ask your best friend or a relative to point out all your good qualities, then repeat them over and over to yourself.

Rather than obsessing over all the weight you need to lose or what you can or cannot eat;  let who you are on the inside show on the outside.

Work with what you've got:

Regardless of your shape, size, or weight, you can still be the most attractive you that you can possibly be. So take good care of yourself. Fuss and primp a little. It's okay. Get your hair done, your nails polished, and buy the nicest and best-fitting clothes you can afford.

NEVER resort to hiding in big bulky sweaters and sweatpants, even if you are just hanging around at home. Sophisticated, trendy, and fashionable outfits are available in all sizes.

When you feel good, you look good. When you look good, you feel good. 

This breaks the pattern of self-destruction and sabotage. You will automatically begin to replace a few bad habits with better ones...........

You will want to get out and exercise because it makes you feel alive. You will want to eat better, healthier food. You might order the grilled chicken over green salad for lunch more often. Not because you can't have the cheeseburger and fries, but because you want to feed your beautiful body something healthier and more nourishing.

Eventually, the woman in the mirror will be the reflection of who you already are inside: beautiful, wonderful and lovable!