Sunday, August 18, 2013
Say NO To The Fall Sweater Body!
Fall is almost here. We can feel it in the air. Soon we will be packing away our shorts, tank tops and swim suits and dragging out the heavy, bulky sweaters and jackets.
And, we'll most likely start packing on a few pounds...............
As the cooler weather approaches, we will begin to crave different kinds of foods. We will push aside the fruits and salads and start gravitating toward dishes that are more filling and satisfying. Foods that contain more fat.
Why is this? Because fat is a cushion. It's an extra layer to keep us warm. Our bodies tell us to eat it. The problem is that most fat makes us fat!
Even the healthiest people have a tendency to gain a few extra pounds in fall and winter. No matter how hard they fight against it. This is simply because life slows down and our metabolisms slow down. Our bodies stop burning fat and calories as quickly. Why? Because our bodies need to conserve energy. Energy to keep us warm in the cold weather! I always gain about five pounds in the winter. I've stopped agonizing over it. I just let my body do what it wants to do and it seems to function better with a little extra weight during the colder months. I've learned that this is natural. It's called Survival! My body is programmed to survive. I can fight it or I can just go with it. I choose to go with it, but refuse to allow it to get out of control! In other words, a couple of extra pounds - even five pounds - is normal. Gaining an extra fifteen or twenty pounds in cooler weather is not.............
So..... bow do we prevent fall and winter weight gain from getting out of control?
The trick is to learn how to give our body what it needs to do what it does best. We need to choose the right kinds of foods and the right kind of fat that our bodies can actually put to good use. We also have to keep moving. We all have a tendency to slow down during the colder months. We adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. That's okay, but failing to get some kind of daily exercise will contribute to packing on too many unwanted pounds. We want to look good in our sweaters - not hide beneath them. Big and bulky sweaters are not an excuse to let ourselves go. We also crave more sex and snuggling in colder weather. Once again, that's Mother Nature looking for ways to keep us warm and there's nothing better than some good old fashioned body heat generated between two people.
We still want to look good for that, don't we?
Trust me, nothing feels as wonderful as knowing that when we take off those big and bulky sweaters, we've still got a rockin' body!
Choose to eat foods that will provide warmth and good fat - fat your body can put to good use. Fat that won't just sit there and keep accumulating until it gets completely out of control. If you're not sure which foods to choose or you need a little push to keep going in the right direction, contact me today and let's chat!