Saturday, August 17, 2013

We Can and We Should!

We will have happy, healthy, successful lives when we start giving ourselves permission to have and enjoy the things we keep telling ourselves we cannot or should not have or enjoy. This is also the key to permanent weight loss.

I am not just talking food here......

For some strange reason, we are think we are better people when we choose to deny or deprive ourselves.
Honestly, that doesn't make us any better. It makes us miserable.

How many times a day do we tell ourselves
We can't or we  shouldn't
rather than......
We can and we should?

Take some time and think about it. Seriously think about it........

If we want to live happy, healthy, successful lives - free from the burdens and the baggage and even the excess pounds that weigh us down, we need to start loving ourselves. When we love ourselves, truly love ourselves, we will let it all go and give ourselves permission to enjoy everything life has to offer!

If we want a slice of pie or a piece of chocolate, we should have it and savor every last delicious bite without an ounce of guilt! We should forget the laundry and the chores on a sunny day and go sit on the beach all afternoon. We should dance 'til dawn if that's what we want to do and forget all the reasons why staying out all night is a bad idea. We should take a risk and say "I love you!" and stop worrying about what the other person will think or say. We should chase our dreams. Achieve our goals. Live with passion!

We need to stop telling ourselves we shouldn't or we can't. We can and we should!

The secret of my success in helping others achieve their health or weight loss goals is teaching them about self-love and how to identify and adjust their deserve levels.  We get what we think we deserve. We get the life we want, the love we want, and even the body we want according to what we give ourselves permission to think we deserve.

If this sounds interesting to you, contact me and let's chat................